Broadband Multifunction Electromagnetic Method
Receiver "GEPARD-8"
All-in-one receiver Metode Elektromagnetik "GEPARD-8" adalah alat yang sensitif dan akurat terhadap medan listrik dan magnet dengan jangkauan frekuensi yang lebar, baik menggunakan passive (natural source) maupun dikontrol (control source modes) serta hasil eksplorasi yang sangat dalam. Kerja sistem dari berbagai sensor termasuk grounded dan non-grounded electric line, high frequency and long period induction coil magnetik sensorsm fluxgate magnetometers, aircoild and airloops. Konfigurasi secara fleksibel dari channel elektrik dan magnetik dapat meningkatkan produktivitas selama pengambilan data dilapangan dengan berbagai Metoda EM (MT, AMT, CSAMT, TDEM, dsb).
Aplikasi yang bisa diterapkan GEPARD-8 :
- Near-surface / mid-range / deep investigations
- Mining, kimberlites (diamonds), groundwater, oil & gas and geothermal exploration
- Geological, landslide, faults, melt rock, aquifer and karst mapping
- Geological engineering, pipeline condition analysis, land reclamation, environmental studies
- Geodynamic, archaeological, dike and sills, ecological investigations
- Geological, volcano and earthquake monitoring
- Permafrost & glacier, deep crust & mantle research
Spesifikasi dan Fitur GEPARD-8 :
- All-in-One System - Dapat melakukan baik Time dan Frequency Domain EM.
- Stand-Alone System - tidak membutuhkan device eksternal (PC, Tablet, dsb) hanya membawa DAQ
- Kemampuan survei alat GEPARD-8 :
- Natural Source : SP, AMT, MT, LMT, MVP, TC
- Control Source : EP, VES, DES, Electromography, Misse-a-la-masse, TDIP, FDIP (Amplitude & Phase), SIP, CSAMT, CSMT, VLF, FDEMS, IEP, TDEM
- 24-bit geophtysical EM data acquitision
- 8 independent channels (E or H, flexible configuration)
- 43,000 sampai 0.00001 Hz rentang efektif frekuensi yang digunakan.
- Real time DQ parameter monitoring
- On-screen data processing and results viewing
- High-Speed data transfer modes
- GPS and cable synchronization options
- Unilimited number of channels/receivers in data acquisiton system
- Intuitive Hi-res color touchscreen GUI
- Manual and Automatic operation modes
- Short and long range wireless monitoring (optional)
- Portable, lightweight